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HTML5 Tutors Make It Easy For You

Our online HTML5 tutors prepare you for the current and fifth version of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), used to write codes while employing application programming interfaces (APIs) and markup for complex websites and it is also used for cross-platform mobile applications development, like in Android applications.  HTML5 is published by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), and it has cleaner and neater code than the previous versions, and allows web developers and web designers to code in it with much more ease.

When you complete this course, you will have learned the concepts of HTML5 and would be developing professionals HTML websites. Our tutors know that you can be a beginner or a student with intermediate concepts, so they teach you how and start the HTML5 course from scratch, and also customize it seeing your requirements.

Course Details:

This course is divided into two modules and each module will cover the following concepts:

Module 1: HTML Basics

1- Introduction 13- Colors 25- Layout
2- Editors 14- CSS 26- Responsive
3- Basic 15- Links 27- Entities
4- Elements 16- Images 28- Symbols
5- Attributes 17- Tables 29- Charset
6- Headings 18- Lists 30- URL Encode
7- Paragraphs 19- Blocks 31- XHTML
8- Styles 20- Classes 32- Forms
9- Formatting 21- Iframes 33- Form Elements
10- Quotations 22- JavaScript 34- Input Types
11- Computer code 23- File Paths 35- Input Attributes
12- Comments 24- Head 36- * Mid-Course Review

Module 2: HTML5 Advanced Concepts

1- HTML5 Intro 7- HTML5 Style Guide 13- Plugins
2- HTML5 Support 8- Canvas 14- Geolocation
3- HTML5 Elements 9- SVG 15- Drag/Drop
4- HTML5 Semantics 10- Google Maps and YouTube 16- Local Storage
5- HTML5 Migration 11- Media 17- App Cache
6- HTML5 Style Guide 12- Video/Audio 18- Web Workers

Who should take our HTML5 course?

If you are a student enrolled in some computer science course in some school, college, university, or vocational training center, and need help with your homework, assignments, quizzes, or HTML projects, our tutors are at your disposal. And this course would also help the professionals to learn new skills for more job satisfaction and enhanced productivity.

Note: This HTML5 course also involves an HTML5 project that you keep developing during the classes, our tutors review it over time and you complete it by the end of the course.

Course Duration:

The duration of the HTML5 course is 8 – 12 weeks, it all depends upon your academic background and how fast you grasp the HTML5 concepts.

Tutoring Options:

Our tutors are available both for in-home and online HTML5 tutoring. And we try to facilitate you in a way that delivers the optimal results.

HTML5 Tutors’ Profile:

Our online HTML5 programming tutors are certified professionals with years of experience under their belt in tutoring HTML5 programming students, and all of our HTML5 programming tutors work in the top software houses of Pakistan. So, they deliver what is required in the market so that you could jumpstart your career right away. 

Schedule a Free Demo With HTML5 Tutors

    For more information about our HTML5 tutors, please, contact our office.

    Call: +923315282487

    Whatsapp: +923315282487


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