SAT Maths Tutors
Prepare SAT Maths test online and in-home the smarter way, with us. Java HTS SAT Maths tutors teach math from the very basics and cover the whole course – from algebra to arithmetic to probability to data analysis to trigonometry (plane/coordinate) to geometry – in the minimum time while delivering the maximum results. Our SAT maths online tutoring comes with handy SAT maths tips and tricks for important and difficult questions while taking practice tests online. With our home and online tutoring, on average our students have scored 750/800 in SAT Mathematics, and they were able to take admission to top-tier, highly-ranked universities including but not limited to Harvard University, MIT, Stanford University, McGill University, Australian National University, the Aga Khan University, University College London, LUMS, NUST in countries like USA, Canada, Australia, Pakistan, and the UK among others.
Why Choose Us
Expert Tutors
- An expert tutor will keep you motivated and help you understand difficult topics
- A dedicated member of our support staff to audit the progress
Practice Tools
- Full-length and single-section practice tests
- Hundreds of practice questions and online tests
- Online reports to track your progress
Prep Materials
- Barron’s SAT Test Prep and review books
- College Board’s The Official SAT Study Guide
- Mock Exams
360 Degree Prep
- Personalized tutoring based on your individual need
- Lesson plans, strategies, and practice tests for the SAT Test
- Content Side + Technical Side – Both Covered
About Our SAT Maths Tutors
Our A Levels SAT Maths Tutors work as online Mathematics tutors and also home t, and help SAT Maths students with their SAT Test Prep. On average, they have MPhil qualifications and they teach SAT at the leading schools of Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Karachi – Pakistan – such as Aitchison College, Beaconhouse School System, Roots International Schools, Froebel’s International School, Lahore Grammar School, among others. Our SAT Maths tutors help you in the following ways:
- SAT Maths In-person Tutoring/Tuition (Pakistan)
- SAT Maths Online Tutoring/Tuition (Global)
SAT 1 Maths Test Details
SAT Maths Test Format |
SAT Math Syllabus |
SAT Maths Test Structure
Section | Number of Questions | Time |
No Calculator | 15 multiple-choice, 5 grid-ins | 25 Minutes |
Calculator | 30 multiple-choice, 8 grid-ins (including one Extended Thinking question) | 55 Minutes |
Total | 58 Questions | 80 Minutes |
Contact for SAT Maths Demo
For more information about our SAT Maths tutors, please, contact our office.
Call: +923315282487
Whatsapp: +923315282487
Frequently Asked Questions
You should hire our SAT Maths tutors because:
- They are seasoned educators, they have 10+ years experience of teaching at Beaconhouse, LGS, Aitchison College, Headstart, The City School, Karachi Grammar School, Roots Ivy/Millenium/international, Sheikh Zayed Academy, Choueifat International School, Frobel’s International School.
- They are highly qualified – graduates of leading local and international universities, and they teach A Levels Maths/American High School Maths online and also at leading schools and academies.
- They are highly experienced. They have taught SAT Maths to hundreds of students, and they have a track record of making students succeed by scoring at least 750 in SAT Maths.
- And yes, they help their students develop the knowledge and skills in their SAT Maths Test that will ultimately prepare them for successful university study.
Yes, we definitely help you with SAT Maths Full-length and Sectional Practice Test preparation. If you hire our tutor and go for the crash course, our tutors help you practice at least 5 full-length practice tests.
We offer One-on-one private tutoring for SAT Maths.
Note: We don’t run any tuition center or academy, but provide tutors who teach you either at your place or online.